I am returning to work (I'm currently a sixth-grade teacher) at the beginning of August, while that seems like a long ways off, I know it will go by way too fast (cue the waterworks)! So I have already begun building my milk
Right now, I pump one breast at a time into the same bottle so I don't have to clean two every time (yes, I'm that lazy), but when I have to pump at work I will pump both simultaneously.
To help with all of the feedings, and now adding additional pumping sessions, I've been eating some really yummy lactation recipes that I thought I'd share! Also, make sure you're drinking a lot of water. I can totally tell a difference in my milk supply when I don't drink enough, to the point where it seemed like my boob was tapped out and then I drank more water and was able to pump a bit more! When I pour a good pumping session into a storage bag I can't help but do a little happy dance as I'm writing down the ounces...and mayyyybe I draw a happy face on there as well. :) Celebrate the victories!

3/4 cup flaxseed meal
2 tbsp. brewer’s yeast
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup chocolate chips (I
use minis)
1 cup creamy peanut
2/3 cup honey (raw if
you can get it!)
2 tsp. vanilla
1-2 tsp. cinnamon
Add one cup of cran-raisins/shredded coconut/raisins (or all three!)
Mix this all
together with a stand-mixer or spatula, press into baking cups, refrigerate for
an hour, and then enjoy! I love putting some Greek yogurt on them and topping
with Craisins for a yummy breakfast! It's like a breakfast cupcake if you're against eating real cupcakes for breakfast.
2 cups ice
2 cups frozen berries
1 banana
½ cup flaxseed meal
2 tbsp. brewer’s yeast
1 cup Greek yogurt
1 cup almond/regular
milk or orange juice
The great
thing about smoothies is you can basically add anything you want to them and they
will taste great! I’ve made a green smoothie too where I subbed out the berries
for kale and added 1/3 cup of raw honey and a tsp. of vanilla.
Tried and Ture Chocolate
Chip Cookies (or the 4-hour cookies, according to my husband):

1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup firmly packed
brown sugar
2 tbsp. water
2 tbsp. flaxseed meal
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cups flour (I used
whole wheat flour)
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
3 cups rolled oats
1 cup mini chocolate
2-4 tbsp. brewer’s yeast
(I used three in this batch)
Add a half cup of cran-raisins/shredded coconut/raisins/crushed walnuts (or all
of them!)
Preheat oven
to 350°, mix flaxseed meal with water- let sit for 5 minutes, beat butter,
sugar, and brown sugar, add eggs one at a time and mix well, add flaxseed mix
and vanilla and mix well, sift (may you have more patience with this than I
did!) together flour, brewer’s yeast, cinnamon, baking soda and salt, add dry
ingredients a little at a time, stir in oats a little at a time, add chocolate
chips and any other goodies you are putting in (I put cran-raisins in and hoped
I had coconut with no such luck..)! Scoop onto well-oiled baking sheet or
parchment paper in tablespoon size, bake for 10-12 minutes. Then just try not
to eat all of them in one sitting a day! ;)
As mamas, we do the best we can, or what's best for us and our babies- if breastfeeding/pumping is not for you, that's okay too! Having a happy and healthy baby is what's most important! Speaking of happy and healthy, I'll leave you with this smiling babe!
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