Age: Two months
Stats: Weighs 12.4 lbs., and almost 24 inches tall! Homegirl likes to eat!
Nicknames: Hadley Roo, Roo, Hadley Girl, Hadley Hiccups- she gets the most adorable squeaky hiccups!-Little Roo (I will post the story about how she got the nickname Roo later!)
Milestones: She had been sleeping 5 hours at night since she was around four weeks old, at six weeks she started sleeping seven hours a night. Now she typically sleeps for 7.5-8 hours at night. We thought this was awesome- maybe a little too good so we called the doctor at six weeks to make sure this was okay for her to be doing (yes we are those parents). He said, "Bravo! You've got a good one!" :)
She took her first bottle at 7.5 weeks like a champ! We were in the car and I pumped her a bottle and gave it to her while we were driving. Zero hesitation or resistance and she slept the rest of the way there and just about made it home before she lost her sh!& (approximately 2.5 hours).
Likes: Eating, being close to mama-especially in the Solly wrap, sleeping, stroller and car rides, mama and dada singing and dancing, getting burped-or just having her back rubbed or patted, being in her swing, playing her piano, and looking out the window.
Dislikes: Getting changed, being put in her car seat (once she's in she loves it!), having to wait for food, and commercials on Pandora.
Noteworthy: Even though it breaks mama and dada's heart when you cry, the way you stick out your bottom lip and crinkle your eyelids when you are upset is just so adorable! You are so strong, you've been able to hold your head up for short periods of time since you were four days old! Now, at two months, for even longer time periods!
Hadley Girl, we are so in love with you! We sit and stare in awe of you on a daily basis and we are so proud of all the leaps and bounds you've made already!