Thursday, July 28, 2016


I see all of these pictures of newborn baby goodness on Instagram each day, and it makes me realize how far we've come in four months! Even though this whole mama thing still feels so new, it's amazing how much growing and learning has happened in these four months. I'll be honest, I miss that itty bitty newborn fog, but I'm also so enamored with watching my Hadley girl discover new things, and it makes me SO excited for what's to come! 
Southern Magnolia Mama Blog
Age: Four Months

Stats: 16.5 lbs., 25.5"

Milestones: You pull your cute chubby legs straight up in the air and twist them over to your side now- you're almost ready to roll over and mama is getting way too emotional over you growing up so fast! You are able to hold toys in your hands for a while and even bring them to your mouth to gnaw on. Tummy time doesn't bother you as much anymore now that you are able to lift your chest off of the floor. Cooing and making all sorts of pterodactyl noises is your jam- and cracks us up, which makes you laugh. Currently your reach extends to your ankles, next stop; FEET! 

Likes: I'm officially declaring that you like to travel because you are the BEST little traveler! You sleep on plane rides and you are perfectly content being strapped to one of us in a carrier. You are still easily calmed by white noise, and it usually puts you to sleep in minutes...I need a new hair dryer because it's now used as a baby shusher. ;) You also like patty cake, rattles, sticking out your tongue, breathing in when you laugh, and Sophie the giraffe!  

Dislikes: Still not a fan of clothes being put on over your head, but you smile when they're taken off over your head! Silly girl. You dislike everything but mama's arms when you are tired, but sometimes not even those will do. That's when the white noise machine hair dryer is turned on! 

Noteworthy: You had your second set a vaccinations at the doctor's office and you were a total champ about them! 

 I may be a tad biased, but I just think you are the BEST baby! ;)
Southern Magnolia Mama Blog


Tuesday, July 19, 2016


A few weeks ago we packed up only the necessary baby gear, which still seemed like a ton of stuff, and took our three month old on a plane headed for Michigan! I was super nervous to fly with a baby and was kind of freaking out about what to bring for her. Since we were only going for a long weekend, Thursday to Monday, we decided to try not to bring the entire nursery with us. Instead we brought her car seat and base, diaper bag, and packed her fold-up bassinet, monitors, and eight days worth of clothes-just in case- for Hadley in a carry-on while we checked our bag. This way, if anything happened to our luggage, we would still have everything we needed for her! 
Southern Magnolia Mama Blog
We bought this travel bag for her car seat and base on our way to the airport because we're really good at planning ahead like that. ;) 
When we got to the airport, I changed her before we got out of the car, nursed her while Tommy checked our bag, then we headed for TSA
I wore my SollyBaby wrap, but I didn't know if they would let me leave her in it through security, so I just held her...and she may or may not have spit up all over the floor while we were in line. We went through the metal detector instead of the full body scanner and then got to our gate with an hour and a half to wait. She looked out the window for a little while and then right before we were to board, fell asleep. She woke up once we got to our seats though so we took some pictures to document her first flight! She totally looks like she was trying to figure that whole thing out.
Everyone's advice was to nurse her on the way up and the way down to help her pop her ears. BEST. ADVICE. EVER. annnnd, she slept the entire flight in-between. On our way off of the plane we passed people who complimented us on how well she did. 
Southern Magnolia Mama Blog

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Our weekends are pretty laid back these days. This one was no different, except that we got Daddy for a four-day weekend! 

Southern Magnolia Mama Blog

Each year, we go over to the beach side of town to get a great view of the fireworks launched on the riverside of the island. It's usually a few hours spent outside eating and hanging out beforehand. Girlfriend LOVES to go outside with me, but we usually only stay out for 20-30 minutes at a time. So when were outside for about an hour, she lost. her. shit. I get it, I screwed up. Pushed her for longer than she was used to. I took her inside but...y'all, I have never heard her cry so loud for so long. I was actually worried she had gotten bitten or something. She wasn't having any of that nursing business, changing her diaper didn't help, and the trusty white noise of the hair dryer (saved as a voice memo on my phone) didn't do its usual magic. We took her out to the car, blasted the A/C, and drove around for a bit. She was asleep in five minutes. Thank. GOD! 
We drove her around so she could sleep for about an hour. When we got back we planned on just taking shifts of bringing her inside every 30 minutes. Then, the manager of the facility we were at came over to tell us that he opened up the two story building overlooking the water for families with young kids to be able to watch from the balcony or inside. Again, thank God! We were able to snap a few pictures out on the balcony, but watched the rest from inside in the air conditioning! Homegirl was a happy camper, and we had the best view!
Southern Magnolia Mama Blog

Hadley Girl, we hope you enjoyed you first Fourth of July! We hope you grow up appreciating all of the people that make our freedom possible.
Southern Magnolia Mama Blog

God Bless America!

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Southern Magnolia Mama Blog

Age: Three months

Stats: Weighs 15.2 lbs., and 25 inches tall!

Milestones: First out-of-state trip to see grandparents, on an airplane (you were fantastic!)! Still sleeping between 8-9 hours a night, mostly able to sit up for short periods of time on your own, grabbing and pinching (especially skin-OUCH!), and blowing spit bubbles.

Likes: Sticking out her tongue, eating her hands, open-mouth kisses, smiling when we get you in the morning, being outside, white noise, car rides, baths, watching TV (I only let her watch for a few minutes- I promise!) and you still like playing your Fisher Price piano!

Dislikes:Clothes going over your head, sitting still, and sudden noises while sleeping!

Noteworthy: Last week you went on your first airplane ride, and did so great- other passengers even commented on what a good baby you were! You were baptized in Michigan with your Grammy and Papa, Great Grandma, Aunt, Great Aunts, and cousins watching- no tears for you (Mama can't say the same)!

Southern Magnolia Mama Blog

Well, we've got three months down in the books! Speaking of books, I need to get going on a baby book. I'm seriously loving the idea of these "yearbooks" for baby/family!
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